South West Water chooses RapidXtra Recovery to improve debt management

RapidXtra Water Billing

To support its debt management activities, South West Water has recently chosen to implement Echo Managed Services‘ water software.

The major water provider already uses Echo’s market leading water billing and customer intelligence solution, RapidXtra, and has extended functionality by implementing Rapid Recovery – RapidXtra’s integrated debt management solution.

The switch from another third party provider occured in September 2017 as part of South West Water’s aims to streamline debt management and customer service capabilities, removing the need to transfer customer data between systems, while creating a more robust and adaptable offering for customers.

We are delighted that South West Water has expanded its use of RapidXtra to include the Rapid Recovery solution, enabling flexible recovery profiles to be tailored to suit different types of customers and debt. Rapid Recovery will enable working practices to be streamlined, helping keep bills lower for customers. The system also makes processes more transparent and responsive to changing customer needs, which is essential in a fast moving market.
Mark Alfer, head of operations, Echo Managed Services

We are really pleased with RapidXtra, our chosen billing and customer service solution, and we are looking forward to the introduction of Rapid Recovery, which will enable us to be more responsive to our customers’ needs.
Moira Gilmour, debt prevention manager – systems, South West Water

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